For Beginner and Improver Guitarists

Its time to stop struggling, trying to learn on your own with no structure and no plan! 

There is an easier way to playing your favourite music and improvising on Guitar!

Lifetime Access

Program enrollment comes with LIFETIME ACCESS to all materials, plus you’ll have 1:1 Coaching  – this is what makes this program different!

You make far more progress having a tutor!

Enroll Now!

Special ONLINE ONLY Offer of 8 Monthly payments of £100 (includes 1:1 Coaching)

Saving you £££s in lesson fees.

Join Over 1000 Guitarists who went from never having picked up the guitar to playing their favourite songs with ease!

Mark just joined the Program 5 weeks ago and already he has made more progress than he had in the last 6 months!

Ronnie joined the Program because he wants to be able to accompany his daughter at her violin recitals.  

He loves the way he can upload a video and get instant feedback on his progress.

Louise joined the program a few months back and here’s what a current student Louise, in a 1:1 session had to say about just starting the program recently

“I didnt know how to read Guitar Tab until I watched your video and reading your notes made it a lot easier”.

“The online modules are really good and are really useful especially when you follow the videos and go through the PDF and I have learned a lot!”

“The program being online is really, really easy to follow and is a really good basis for Beginners”

“As a complete beginner as I say the first module was really, really helpful taking me through all the basics from the very start”.

Alan has been in the program for a while but on a recent 1:1 coaching call we sorted through some issues he was having right now.

“I can get the consistency when strumming but sometimes I miss the strings”.    We looked at ways to fix this issue.

“I can see the differences now compared to when I just started”

“I am getting there with being able to add fill ins and riffs between chords – its definitely getting there.”

“The thing about Youtube videos – these “learn guitar in a day” type videos – it’s rubbish! I watched a guy who learned stuff off the internet, and he knew nothing about how he was actually playing, whereas I am learning exactly what I am doing”

Some other recent Get Playing Guitar Accelerator students comments:

“My first impression is that this is a great programme 

and I am very much looking forward to my 

playing improving”.

Hi everybody, I thought I'd just drop a quick post by way of introduction. I have just picked up the guitar after many years away and came across James Ledley fb page and last week took the plunge to join the accelerator program.
I watched the introductory video from James and then started looking at the first lesson, As a result I have found some great bits of information about playing. My first impression is that this is a great programme and I am very much looking forward to my playing improving.
Alan Durham

“Thank you James Ledley using the Get Playing

 Accelerator Program has really helped it all finally 

fall into place”

I’m feeling quite chuffed with myself tonight ! I have been trying to get the C chord down for some time now and, I don’t know how, but I have finally sussed it Thank you James Ledley for showing me the technique and using the Get Playing Accelerator Program has really helped it all finally fall into place
Steve Gilbert

“”Guys if you are like me, and wondering what to 

do next, I would definitely recommend you get 

signed up”.

I started 3 weeks ago now and have absolutely no music background whatsoever. but wanted to learn the guitar, the 1st thing I did was to go onto youtube and begin learning to play acoustic. I wanted to teach myself guitar but for me it wasnt happening and I was getting frustarted gpoing through loads of Youtube videos. I can honestly say its been brilliant so far. Guys if your like me and are just wondering what to do next, I would definitely recommend you should get signed up.
Wullie Stevenson

“Highly recommend anyone to try this approach to help improve their playing. “

I had been thinking about starting to learn guitar and joined the Get Playing Guitar Group. I noticed the Get Playing Guitar Accelerator Program. I was getting nowhere with my playing until I started the program and ever since I can't believe the progress I'm making. The coaching I receive from James really helps – he is a great teacher with loads of tips and help at every stage.. Highly recommend anyone to try this approach to help improve their playing. Thanks James
Colm Murphy

Does this sound a bit familiar?

  • You have always wanted to be able to play your favourite music on Guitar or even eventually be able to write your own songs?
  • Youve tried before but gave up as it got so frustrating or your tutor just wasn’t tuned into “you” and slowly you started to lose interest..
  • Or you’re retired and you’re looking for a fun new hobby…

What if there was a way that simply just:

  • Works – you can see yourself totally making progress and starting onto your favourite songs really quickly.
  • The songs you are playing are easily recognised by friends and family and even they can see your progress.
  • That fear of playing in front of other people is now “GONE”. The family ask you to play a song at Christmas, with pride you pull out the Guitar and rattle off song after song!
  • Playing Guitar is now part of your life, its never out of site and each practice is so enjoyable, you cant wait to get home from work or whatever you are doing to grab that guitar and get stuck into the next song and the next song!
  • After a while its just success and after success and your skills are improving so much!



Wouldn’t it be exhilarating to finally achieve that dream of playing Guitar around the campfire?



I am here to help you make that happen…and more!


You may be doubting yourself and if you can even learn to play.

Heres just some of things I hear students worry about before they start lessons:

You might think this and in fact so many people do – but the fact is,  I have students who are retired and in their 70’s right now and they are working towards their favourite music.


One student has worked on Rod Stewart, Willie Nelson, The Beatles, Johnny Cash you name it.


He now comes to me with a list of songs he wants to work on and we work out the rhythm and away he goes – one after the other he must have at least 20/30 songs down by this stage.


Even if you have arthritis (I have a few students that have this and its quite common) I will show you how you can use certain exercises to free up those stiff fingers and make those chord changes easier so you are not struggling and its not holding you back.


I firmly believe that no one should have to give up on their dream of playing Guitar.

Ive heard this so many times. 


This is all wrong!


Many of my current students were frustrated with their lack of progress in previous lessons with other teachers. Very often they were learning from a “method book” or were overwhelmed with theory, of the teacher has “his plan” and that’s it – no student input allowed – what?  


No wonder they got frustrated – all they wanted to do was “play”.

Your lessons are about YOU – period.  What YOU want to learn together with what you NEED to learn – thats it.


Its that simple.


This program is about giving YOU the skills to be able to play the music you want to play in a FUN and easy to understand way, with coaching so you are guaranteed to succeed.

While you absolutely can learn the guitar on your own (to a point), it usually takes a lot longer, and there’s a danger of developing bad habits that are very hard to unlearn.


Some of my students started out with books that weren’t motivating, or they watched YouTube videos.


But they often feel disorganized, or the videos move too fast to follow, they can’t find the answers to their specific problems. 


So, eventually, they hit a plateau.


I studied the guitar on my own for 10 years, before YouTube was a thing, and I made some progress. But when I finally worked with a teacher, I learned more in 1 year than I did in the 10 years before that!


So, I can say from experience that following a structured program created by someone who knows what he’s talking about will accelerate your progress immensely.

There’s no doubt that regular practice is crucial to learning the guitar. But how and what you practice matters.


There is a common misconception that if you practice enough, it will “all come together” on its own.


Unfortunately, a lot of my students have discovered this is simply NOT the case – mainly because they had no clue what they should be working on – so went over the same things – got bored and then gave up.


Without a plan and routine to follow, you’re  likely to be jumping all over the place.


It’s difficult as a beginner to know if you’re doing it right. When you don’t see much progress, you lose your motivation and throw your guitar back in the closet, thinking you don’t have what it takes.


When, in fact, there is a whole world of music for you just waiting to be discovered!

But what I find is….

Learning Guitar is actually much easier than you might think

Thats IF you follow the right process

A process that teaches you the steps you need to take – one at a time to build the skills you need to start playing your favourite songs quickly.

A priority every step of the way is to have FUN and enjoy the process and that it does not feel like a “chore” to practice but something you love and are motivated to continue with.

Very importantly you need a process that teaches you HOW and WHAT to practice so you dont waste your time working on things that will lead to frustration (this is very common and is a major cause of a lot of beginners and improvers giving up far too soon).

So what is this “process” that makes it easier to learn?

3 Essential Steps:

1. Build The Foundation

2. Learn the Essential Skills

3. Play Your Favourite Songs and Music 

Having my students focus on these 3 steps has produced the fastest results and has them playing songs in a matter of weeks and you will also be able to:

✅ Change chords quickly and smoothly with no gaps making it all sound “musical” and not “mechanical

✅ Move between chords and notes effortlessly so that crucial right and left hand co ordination just comes naturally

✅ Improve your rhythm, timing and strumming so you can play those songs youve waited so long to play.

✅ And probably the most crucial – simply play a song that sounds like a SONG!

The most important thing that will come from learning the 3 Steps is:

✅YOU seeing that you CAN PLAY



So exactly who am I and why should you trust me to teach you Guitar?

Hi, I'm James Ledley.

There are a few things I think we have in common.

I’ve loved music rom I was 15 years old and I think you love music too.

You have a passion for learning Guitar and I’ve had that passion from I was very young.

While I have some music training,  for the most part, before that, I was 100% self taught and I too had a pile of “holes” in my learning that I wasnt even aware of!

While, yes, I have now been teaching since 2003 and I decided to leave my steady admin job and go full time teaching as a self employed tutor in 2006 (a scary decision) but we have to follow our dreams.

I’ve since taught 1000’s of students to play Guitar, Ukulele and Bass.

The thing is, I can still totally remember the early days and how I was hunting for books (no internet then!) to try and learn my chords, scales and play my favourite music by my 2 most favourite musicians and bands Jimi Hendrix and The Smiths.

You probably can’t even imagine a time without the internet but it actually helped me to learn to use my “musical ear” working out chords and bass lines to songs (there was just no other way lol).


I would order a songbook (again no Guitar tabs then) and patiently wait on it coming in to the local music shop where I would rush up on a Saturday and pick it up – rushing home again to try the chords and see if they were actually “right” for my favourite songs!

Fast forward to the current day and I can see how the way I learned actually helped me as a tutor, craft a teaching method that is FUN and focuses on songs and music as a priority, not using method books or heavy theory but I want to get you acually “playing” music as soon as possible because at the start all the other stuff can simply wait.

What is important is YOU playing music as quickly as possible – thats the only thing that will drive you forward, make you practice and help keep you motivated!

Una joined the Program having played a bit of guitar years ago, and she took a few lessons but didn’t really learn that much. 


She is now more than half way through the Program and starting to learn Finger style and is loving the sound of it. 


She can’t wait to get to the soloing section as her dream is to be able to play lead guitar like Gary Moore. 

So why did I create the Get Playing Accelerator Program?

After looking back over MY 20+  years of teaching and the different problems students have faced in lessons I started to see a pattern of what was working the most quickly and getting them fast results!

I noticed how some simple adjustments to arm position and finger position could massively “shave off” so much time for students and get them onto songs really quickly.

I carefully put together all my experience and skills and knowledge from those lessons and crammed it all into Get Playing Guitar Accelerator so I can offer the FUN and satisfying feeling of being able to play your favourite music on Guitar to a much wider audience and teach players from all over the world.

Learning guitar with Get Playing Guitar Accelerator means you will learn in a structured way and develop a solid foundation that will set you up to move on later and be able to solo and play fingerstyle and loads of other areas of more advanced guitar playing.


So how does the Get Playing Guitar Accelerator Program Work?

Its a simple and very straightforward program and the priority is that you are NOT skipping any important fundamentals and this avoids that frustrating feeling of not knowing what you are doing, getting stuck and not knowing where to go next.

Working your way through Get Playing Guitar Accelerator you will never feel overwhelmed or like you are way in over your head.

Be rest assured you will be able to progress at a steady pace, easily finishing each Module slowly building your skills and most importantly your confidence and feeling energised and motivated to continue. 

The system is completely self-paced, though I can go in at any time and make sure you are completing each lesson and then Module and I can see if you are getting stuck (or you can simply drop me a message or email) and I’ll reply with 24 hours to sort out what’s happening for you.


So you can simply work at your own comfortable pace, with no pressure and as you wont be getting bored you are constantly moving forward – I promise you’ll love it!

What’s included in the Get Playing Guitar Accelerator Program?

Ive crammed in so much to this Program to make it the best it can be and to make sure you have all the tools you need – heres what’s inside:


Over 50 video lessons with simple follow-along exercises. I only use langauge thats easy to follow and only bring in bits of theory as and when you need it – you can replay any of the videos lessons as many times as you need to to check you have everything down. 

Song suggestions for each lesson, and as you are learning the “keys” songs are in (ie a group of chords that work well together in each song)  this puts you in the best place – you have the chords to 1000’s of songs and its only a case of asking me what would be a good song for the level you are at or follow my song suggestions and I can even send you through an easy to follow song sheet for that song! (Just drop me a messenger message or a quick email)

✅ PDF Program Workbook with every lesson which includes all the rhythms, tips and strumming patterns for every lesson and it follows the exact order of every video lesson (you can also download an mp3/pdf seperately for each lesson just take a quick look under the video itself and simply print off a copy)

✅ Lifetime access to all lessons. I dont want you to have to rush – in fact thats the last thing I want!


So once you have made the investment in the Program you have lifetime access to all resources and you can keep them forever.


Remember this is YOUR journey so I want you to enjoy it and move at your own pace when it suits you – working aroun the other things in your life and the free time you have available.

✅ The “Practice Pyramid”

This is a sheet which you can come back to again and again so you can keep an eye on what you should be working on and not lose track – this is crucial to helping you feel happy, energised and motivated.

✅ Song Resource Vault where you can access any song you want at anytime

If you’re keen to learn loads of songs, I can suggest which songs you should be working on at the stage you are at – which means you’ll know which songs are more difficult and if you are at all worried just ask me and I’ll offer some tips and advice on what to do – especially if there is that one song you just wait to get working on!

✅ Learn how to sing and play at the same time!

Singing and playing is something I never thought I would be doing at the start but,  to be able to do both just enhances the FUN of playing Guitar even more.

There is a special section  on how to do just that and how to choose a song that is best suited to start this great skill!

While the focus of this program is that it is self-paced and you can work through the lessons and modules in your own time – I NEVER want you to be feel alone while you are learning to play Guitar.

My students tell me that having the Private Support Group is so useful and the fact they get access to exclusive FREE video trainings specific to their  current roadblocks makes it even better.

So, to make the journey even better that’s why I am including this SPECIAL BONUS absolutely free:

✅ 3  x  1:1 Sessions (limited time) to make sure you are getting the crucial early skills down including, holding the guitar, correct arm position for chords, plectrum control, the correct way to strum and more – this will get you off to the best start.



Lifetime Access to my Get Playing Accelerator Program Support Group (exclusively only for members of this Program).



I’m there constantly to answer any questions you might have, adding additional live lessons and tips and advice, AND you will be in the company of other enthusiastic guitarists who are on the same journey as you and getting answers to their issues right now!

Before I made contact with James I had started and then quit guitar on numerous occasions but since I've been taking lessons with James through his Get Playing Accelerator Program I haven’t looked back since. Brilliant Teacher, extremely knowledgeable and clearly passionate about his craft. I've missed a couple of coaching sessions due to work commitments, but he is always checking in to see if there is anything he can do to help me with my playing, he’s very much got his students interests at heart and I could not recommend James highly enough. Great teacher 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Declan Brady

Here’s what we will focus on together in Get Playing Guitar Accelerator

It’s crucial to get the basics down right from the start and in this first Module we will look at exactly what they are and the importance of getting off to the right start even if you have been playing for a while there will be some things you may not have thought of or, worse, bad habits you may have picked up, so It’s important to sort those now.


Here’s just some of what’s included in this Module:


  • Holding the Guitar,
  • Correct hand and wrist position
  • Correct plectrum grip
  • How to effectively use a plectrum when it comes to picking and strumming
  • HOW and WHAT to practice, and loads more!

It is crucial to learn your chords and the essential rhythms right at the very start as part of the foundation.

Here we build up your chords working through them from very easy basic shapes and building up your finger strength using the “Spider Exercise” which is great for getting those fingers to go where you need them to go.

We will also cover the basics of Note Values and how to easily count basic rhythms.

We will look at how to play your first melody (Into The Dark) and also your very first riff, you can learn your first scales and how to use them.

I’ll also be giving you tips and ideas on how to make those tricky chords much easier to play and how to connect them along with the rhythms you are playing.


You will start to see progress even at this early stage (we’ll be using changes straight out of some cool songs) and this will motivate you to keep moving forward.

This Module is a really important part of the foundation and building your skills, as this is where the fun begins!


Did you know that even with only 2 rhythms, you can play thousands of songs?


I’m going to teach you those 2 rhythms plus what’s needed to play Ballads, Blues, Rock, Pop, Reggae, Country and so much more!


We will also cover how to use a “Capo” and how to link chords to make your rhythms effortless.

Fancy being able to sing and play at the same time? No problem.


I’ve a great lesson on how to work out the rhythm to any song and if you fancy singing along to your playing we will cover the basics of how to do that and how it’s not as hard as you might think.

So what do I mean, “the keys” to 1000s of songs.


As I will teach you, songs usually fall into some common “groups of chords” and when you learn how those chords interact with each other, then you can easily transform those chord changes into some of the most famous songs, including The Beatles, Johnny Cash, John Denver, The Eagles, The Rolling Stones, Elvis, Bob Marley and so much more!


We will also look at some cool (specially written for this program) Blues Shuffles and how to easily add some riffs and extra stuff in there to totally impress yourself and your friends!

You will love this module as this is where it all really starts to come together and the music you are playing is instantly recognisable!

This is where you really start to sound like a “pro” being able to fingerpick is one of the greatest parts of playing Guitar as it gives you so much freedom and others just love the sound of it.


It’s not that difficult and, as I’ll be teaching you, when using some basic patterns these can easily be altered to suit loads of songs.


We will also start to take those scales from earlier that bit further, and I’ll show you how you can add “walk downs” and “fill ins” between your chords and changes – This totally takes the songs you already know to the next level!

I also will be teaching you some cool riff ideas, some great bass walk downs and how to Rake and Palm Mute.


This is also my favourite part of Guitar – being able to add my own touches and techniques to my favourite songs!

In this Module we will look at how to take the skills you learned in the last module and use them to fingerpick some more complex but cool sounding patterns – these patterns are the basis of all music from Blues to Country to Pop and Rock and more!


Even songs that are on Piano can be played with a special “grip” I’ll be showing you – you won’t find this anywhere else as I developed it especially for this program!

At this stage, you WILL be playing at the NEXT LEVEL.


Having covered the basics earlier, we will now be learning the instrument and the fretboard notes plus how to play Open Chord Power Chords and add more riffs in there.


You will learn the Power Chords used in 90% of the Rock you listen to and this is a nice stepping stone onto starting to learn Barre Chords.

This is an area that it is so crucial to get right – so many beginners and improvers struggle unnecessarily here,  usually because they are learning their Barre chords in the wrong order!


I will show you an easier way to work up your muscle memory, your grip and how to actually build Barre chords so it’s much easier for you.


We will cover all the common chord movements that pop up when Barre Chords are in songs and how to master them, so you can open up the options for the music you want to play.


Its my aim to give you “Total Fretboard Freedom” when it comes to chords and then you WILL be able to actually play ANY song!

This is the area of Guitar I think I love the most – SOLOING!


So many guitarists want to learn to solo, and I get it – it’s a massive part of Guitar BUT also a difficult one if you don’t tackle it the right way.


I decided it was only fair that everyone gets a chance to try to solo, and I can tell you from teaching all these years it isn’t that difficult as long as you follow a set plan that builds up the basics easily.


I spent a LOT of time on this Module making sure there was a real variety of solos in the styles of Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Dire Straits, Blues, Open Chord Rock, even Funk!


I’ve written a solo for every style and made custom backing tracks for each solo – you will love how easy these are to play BUT they sound so sool and just like your favourite artists!


And the important thing is you learn HOW these solos were written and how it all fits together as I’ll explain how I built these solos, what scales and techniques I’m using. 


I go into detail in every lesson on how to build a solo and give you tips and ideas on how to write your own solos.


I’ve jam packed so much into this Module! So, if you are interested in soloing or improvising in any way – you will absolutely love this bonus module!

What’s more, when you join Get Playing Guitar Accelerator you get access to:

These Bonuses

FREE Unlimited Access to The Get Playing Guitar Support Group

You will have unlimited access to The Get Playing Guitar Facebook Support Group and any FREE Trainings that are available both now and in the future.


Join a community of like-minded guitarists, get some great help and ideas from those on the same journey that are learning just like you.


Share the experiences of other beginner guitarists also working through Get Playing Guitar Accelerator right now!

guitar, guitarist, music-756326.jpg

Access to James' vast amount of Song Sheets, Tabs and Resources

How about having a song on hand whenever you want?

No more hunting for songs or poor quality tabs online.

I have a vast amount of Guitar tabs, solos and resources built up over 20 years of teaching.

Just drop me a line and I can recommend the right song for you right now – with where you are with your playing AND give you some great ideas for the way forward and what would be some great songs to learn in the near future!

Special Offer 3 x 1:1 lessons to kick start your guitar journey and to give you the very best advice

As a very special limited time BONUS, I will also give you 3 x 1:1 lessons included (for a limited time only) to assess where you are right now – advise what’s best for you and give you tips on how to make the most of the Program AND get quick results from all the the Modules!


Enrol in The Get Playing Guitar Accelerator Program

When you enrol in the course, you get lifetime access to all course materials.

Whats included:

The 8 Modules (with over 35 in depth video lessons and a specially designed BONUS Module on How to Solo and easily learn to Improvise.

BONUS#1 – Free UNLIMITED Access to the Get Playing Guitar Program Support Group on Facebook – you can access it anytime

✅ BONUS#2 – Full access to James’ vast amount of song sheets and resources he uses every day in his lessons so you can get accurate song sheets and chords for 1000’s of songs and also be able to download PDF’s on Finger style, Rhythm Playing, Soloing and special one off trainings not available inside the Program.

BONUS #3 – 4 special 1:1 lessons where James will go through what you have covered in the past and give you his best recommendations for the way forward AND how to make the most of the Get Playing Accelerator Modules with top tips on which songs to work on and how to progress quickly!

✅ Plus don’t forget James will be on hand with responses to any queries you have (within 24 hours) on Facebook Messenger with anything that comes up for you with your playing, providing tailored tips and advice to make sure you are NEVER stuck at any stage!

To join select one of the options below and get LIFETIME ACCESS:

Pay upfont with one payment of £997





One extra 1:1 lesson


Personalised lesson plan specifically tailoured to what YOU need help with right now!

Pay monthly with 8 payments of £100 per month 

Heres how to know if Get Playing Guitar Accelerator is for you:

  1. You’re a beginner who’s fed up wasting time, fed up trying to learn online and all those endless Youtube videos and are serious about getting good at guitar, and you’re ready to “go all in” and commit to a proven training program and accept professional help to make it all so much easier.

2. You want to be a great player, but don’t have a lot of time to practice… you’ve got work, other commitments and a social life, which makes playing for hours at a time unrealistic… but you’re confident you can find 15 minutes each day to get better.

3.  You’ve been playing on and off for months (or even years) without any structure, a solid roadmap or practice plan in place and want a clear plan you can simply follow bit by, or you’re an intermediate player who wants a refresher on the fundamentals and to build on what you already know to take your playing to the next level!

4. You look forward to the idea of building a solid foundation, having fun in your practices, playing cool songs and having the ability to add your own ideas to songs you already know!

5. You did take lessons before, but it was an awful or time-wasting experience and the teacher just was not “tuned” in to what you actually needed, and you felt he had “his plan” and that was it – this is a common problem and not a good way to help you progress quickly and keep you motivated.

If you can agree to even 3 of those points then this is the Program that will help you play those songs and finally enjoy Guitar and I can’t wait to help you do just that!

Pay upfront with one payment of £997

Lets make it a bit easier with monthly payments – 8 payments of £100 per month 

"I'm really glad I enrolled in this program. I love the fact that James keeps checking in to see how you are getting on, and the extra trainings in the support group are really helpful".
John Moody

Questions some of the students of Get Playing Guitar Accelerator 

asked before they said “Yes” to starting the program:

  • I’d rather let one of my current students, Emma Wells, answer this question – “I have to admit this is a great program and while I was unsure at the start, I decided to take a chance, and I am so glad I did.  Everything is laid out in a very straight forward way and it’s so easy to use – I work on it from my tablet and can log in whenever I want and just pick up where I left off.  I’m already on Module 3 and loving the extra help and information James gives in his videos – it’s nice to know I can contact him if I get stuck.”

This is a self-paced course that starts with the absolute basics of Guitar.  I want to make sure that everyone has those basics covered, as this is the foundation of everything that follows. This ensures you have a solid foundation to build your skills upon or even fill in the gaps from learning on your own.


You then move quickly onto the next Modules which get you straight into playing while you are learning your chords and, scales and riffs.


I have the program split into those 3 steps mentioned earlier.

1. Build the foundation.

2. Learn the essential skills

3. Play your favourite music!


You can download the PDF Workbook or just run off each PDF for the lesson you are at right now – It’s up to you.


My students tell me the love the way they can contact me and ask questions either in messenger or in the Program Support Group, so an answer is never far away, and you will never be stuck.



My students tell me the fact they can just come home from work do a bit of a lesson and then come back to it in their own time.  This makes it flexible and because you have lifetime access to the Program they feel like they are not rushed at any point and can just take their time and work through each lesson.

The other thing is as you own the Program once you buy it you can go back againa nd again and go over something that maybe you didnt get the first time.



Ive designed this Program for beginners and improvers. 

As I specialize in teaching beginners I know exactly the issues that arise, and I have carefully created each Module, so you can easily work through each lesson with no fancy language just easy to understand ideas and concepts that are really just “common sense” like moving your arm to make chords a bit easier and tips on building chords from the basics upwards.

This is something that a lot of Guitarists ask.  What level am I at exactly?


I have guitarists who have been playing quite a while who joined and told me that getting a great refresher was just what they needed as they had “holes” in their playing and were glad to have those “filled in”. 


Even if you feel you are a good player you will definitely pick up some tips and advice and this program is designed to bring everyone to intermediate level giving them the freedom to be able to play the songs they love and eventually be able to solo if they really want to.

Due to copyright laws, I can’t teach copyright protected music in a paid program. With that being said, I do incorporate chord changes and examples that are 99% similar to songs you already know in styles that cover all the common genres of music.


Remember that a huge problem students face is focusing only on songs. While this is great – you are missing out on a pile of skills that you really need to be able to eventually play ANY music.  The course teaches you the skills and techniques you need to play ANY popular song. 


Throughout the course, you’ll hear and see me mention great songs to try for the particular level you are at – I have loads of examples of these on my Youtube channel which you can access at any time and I post songs constantly every week, so you will never be stuck for song ideas.


If you need to check which song is right for you, just drop me a quick video of your playing, and I’ll suggest a great song to have a go at.

How does FOREVER sound!


Yes you will have access to this Program for as long as you too I have it all stored and if anything were to happen I can make it accessible elsewhere – my goal is for you to complete the course and be totally “at home” with playing Guitar and that means you NEED to be able to have it for as long as you need 🙂

YES!  You can purchase the program from anywhere in the world. I have students from Canada, Scotland, Liverpool, California, England, Ireland and beyond!


I love the fact that anyone from anywhere in the world can have the gift of playing guitar and being able to play their favourite songs!

While there isn’t a refund policy right now – I am only too happy to discuss any issues you might be having with the program and come to an arrangement that I am sure you will be happy with – I want everyone to be 100% happy with their purchase and Its my goal to make sure that you are loving the Program!

Rachel Johnston

woman, guitar, music-944262.jpg

I was fed up struggling on my own. I just wanted to play! and not be constantly going round in circles jumping from one thing to the other. I finally found a solution in this training! I previously had issues with my C Chord and after following James tips I was able to get that sorted and move onto the next lesson and the next! I am loving the fact I can now play and its not a chore anymore!

Here’s how easy it is to get started:

1. Scroll down and click the 'Enroll Today' button to grab your Program.
2. Check your inbox for an email with your login info.
3. Follow the workbook and step-by-step lessons.
4. Start having more fun and playing those favourite songs!

(VIP) Pay upfont with one payment of £997 


and get an exclusive EXTRA 1:1 lesson and a tailoured lesson plan covering every problem you are having right now and how to fix them!